Day 3

Four bags of trash in the hallway, plus the one that went down to the trash barrel (what a concept!). A half dozen loads of laundry have gone down to the basement. Now you can't walk in the basement (that is our next reality series...).

I'm working my way south toward the desk/bed. I have unearthed a chair, and by the end of the day I have not only completely unburied it, but cleared a space to the east near the bureau. I sit in the chair for a moment to savor my triumph.

I've found a light bulb! I inch the chair below the light fixture and climb up to unscrew a dead light bulb — the glass comes away from the metal part. I go downstairs for insulated pliers, ready for a fight. But the metal part unscrews like a knife through weeks old butter (which I am also afraid of finding in here...)

I get near the desk by the window wall, but the piles overwhelm me. I turn to the west. No iPod yet.

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